Professional Team Building

We are often called upon by other attorneys, CPAs, and financial planners to help with their client challenges and financial planning.

Attorneys who have settled or obtained a large verdict for their injured client will call on us to preserve the client funds and preserve the client’s eligibility for on-going government benefits or services. We help by establishing a Supplemental Needs Trust with the client as beneficiary. The funds in this type of trust can be useful to supplement the client government benefits, not supplant the government benefits.

CPAs and financial planners will call on us to help preserve the client’s assets from the cost of long-term care. We do this through the Medicaid/MaineCare rules that allow protection of assets with proper advance planning. Perhaps by timely establishment of an Irrevocable Trust that allows for the full protection and preservation of assets from long-term care costs.

We welcome professionals to contact us to discuss how we can collaborate to best serve your clients.